Understanding the Oriental religion Sikhism

Regarding Sikhism, Sikhism comes from northern India and is the world’s 50 th largest organized religion. There are quite 25 million Sikhs throughout the world and around half 1,000,000 within the US . Sikhism was founded 500 years ago, when a person named Nanak walked the South Asian subcontinent teaching that each one path cause One God, all people are equal and every one of us can experience freedom through loving and serving others. The word “Sikh” refers to “Seeker of Truth.” As a faith rooted in love , Sikhism stands for the similarity of women and men and denounces any discrimination concerning gender, caste, creed, or color. There are three essential creeds of the Sikh religion: meditation upon and devotion to the creator, truthful living, and repair to humanity. Basic Understanding of Sikhism · ...